InterpreterVisitor module

class Visitor.InterpreterVisitor.InterpreterVisitor(all_ast, file_name)

Bases: Visitor.NodeVisitor.NodeVisitor


Run the visitor

visit_BinOp(node, indentation=None)

Execute the visit of binOp

visit_Bool(node, indentation=None)

Visit a boolean

visit_ElseAST(node, indentation='    ')

Visit a Else AST

visit_IfAST(node, indentation='    ')

Visit a If AST

visit_Num(node, indentation=None)

Visit a number

visit_PrintAST(node, indentation=None)

Visit a Print AST

visit_Str(node, indentation=None)

Visit a String

visit_VariableAST(node, indentation=None)

Visit a Variable AST

visit_WhileAST(node, indentation=None)

Visit a While AST