GET module

class methods.GET.GET

Bases: object

static fill_image_params(response: message.Response.Response, image_params: dict, uri: str)None

Add headers in response, based on image params

  • response – Response

  • image_params – Dictionary with image params

  • uri – String of URL

static getParamsFromURL(url)

Performs a parse of the parameters present in the URL


URI – String of the url


A dictionary with all parameters contained in the URL

imagesTable = {'/deusgrego.jpeg': {'filePath': './assets/static/deusgrego.jpeg', 'type': 'image/jpeg'}, '/error.gif': {'filePath': './assets/static/error.gif', 'type': 'image/gif'}, '/logo.ico': {'filePath': './assets/static/logo.ico', 'type': 'image/x-icon'}, '/logo.png': {'filePath': './assets/static/logo.png', 'type': 'image/png'}, '/menu1.gif': {'filePath': './assets/static/menu1.gif', 'type': 'image/gif'}, '/menu2.gif': {'filePath': './assets/static/menu2.gif', 'type': 'image/gif'}, '/menu3.gif': {'filePath': './assets/static/menu3.gif', 'type': 'image/gif'}, '/newfriend.jpeg': {'filePath': './assets/static/newfriend.jpeg', 'type': 'image/jpeg'}, '/slide1.jpg': {'filePath': './assets/static/slide1.jpg', 'type': 'image/jpeg'}, '/slide2.png': {'filePath': './assets/static/slide2.png', 'type': 'image/png'}, '/slide3.png': {'filePath': './assets/static/slide3.png', 'type': 'image/png'}}
static response(request: message.Request.Request)str

Performs a return operation when there is a request of type GET, returning a response with the headers and the correct body. Search within the mapped URLs, the received URL, returning the requested resource.


request – Request object, containing the body and headers of that request


The answer to this request

urlTable = {'/': {'filePath': './assets/public/index.html', 'type': 'text/html'}, '/bootstrap.min.css': {'filePath': './assets/bootstrap.min.css', 'type': 'text/css'}, '/bootstrap.min.js': {'filePath': './assets/bootstrap.min.js', 'type': 'text/css'}, '/dashboard.css': {'filePath': './assets/dashboard.css', 'type': 'text/css'}, '/database': {'filePath': './databaseUser/database.json', 'type': 'application/json'}, '/edit': {'filePath': './assets/public/put.html', 'type': 'text/html'}, '/error': {'filePath': './assets/public/error.html', 'type': 'text/html'}, '/list': {'filePath': './assets/public/list.html', 'type': 'text/html'}, '/popper.min.js': {'filePath': './assets/popper.min.js', 'type': 'text/css'}, '/post': {'filePath': './assets/public/post.html', 'type': 'text/html'}}