HandlerImage module

class handler.HandlerErrors.HandlerErrors

Bases: object

Class responsible for handling errors

static sendErrorCode(request: any, statusCode: <module 'message.StatusCode' from '/home/lucassantos/Documents/GitHub/http-api-without-lib/message/StatusCode.py'>)bytes

Responsible for generating a page with the given status code

  • request – An object representing the request data. DEPRECATED

  • statusCode – A StatusCode object containing the the status soon to be shown in the page


A byte object containing the response header and the error page in the body.

urlTable = {'/bootstrap.min.css': {'filePath': './assets/bootstrap.min.css', 'type': 'text/css'}, '/bootstrap.min.js': {'filePath': './assets/bootstrap.min.js', 'type': 'text/css'}, '/dashboard.css': {'filePath': './assets/dashboard.css', 'type': 'text/css'}, '/error': {'filePath': './assets/public/error.html', 'type': 'text/html'}, '/logo.ico': {'filePath': './assets/bootstrap-4.0.0/favicon.ico', 'type': 'image/x-icon'}, '/popper.min.js': {'filePath': './assets/popper.min.js', 'type': 'text/css'}}